Dentures Specialist

Yelena Shapiro, DDS, MS
Prosthodontist & Cosmetic Dentist located in Murray Hill, New York, NY
Modern dentures can restore your smile and help you speak and eat with ease. If you need dentures, including partial or full sets, contact the practice of Yelena Shapiro DDS in Murray Hill, Manhattan. Dr. Shapiro provides comfortable, natural-looking dentures for men and women throughout New York City. Get started on your treatment by booking a consultation through the website or by calling the clinic to schedule a denture appointment.
Dentures Q & A
Which type of dentures do I need?
The type of dentures that are best for you depends on your oral health and how many (if any) teeth you have remaining. Below are descriptions of some of the more common types of dentures.
Conventional (full dentures)
Conventional or full dentures replace all of your teeth. These removable dentures rest snugly and comfortably over your gums. They stay in place with the help of dental adhesives.
Conventional dentures may be right for you if you’re missing all of your teeth. They can also be a solution if you need to have your remaining teeth pulled, although you’ll have to wait until your gums heal to get fitted for your new set of dentures.
Immediate dentures
Immediate dentures function similarly as conventional dentures — they replace all of your teeth. But instead of waiting for your gums to heal, you get fitted for your dentures the same day as your tooth extractions.
Not everyone is a candidate for immediate dentures, so Dr. Shapiro performs a comprehensive exam to ensure you have adequate gum tissue to support immediate dentures.
Overdentures (partial dentures)
Overdentures, or partial dentures, rest over your natural teeth or over dental implants. They fill in large gaps where you’re missing two or more teeth. These dentures may be removable, or they can be fixed and cemented into place.
How often do I need a denture exam?
Whether you have some of your natural teeth remaining or not, you still need to see your dentist. Regular oral health and denture exams from the practice of Yelena Shapiro DDS are important to ensure your gums are healthy and to make sure your dentures are fitting you properly.
Dr. Shapiro generally wants to see you once every six months. But if you break your dentures or if your dentures are causing gum sores, book your evaluation as soon as possible.
How long do dentures last?
On average, with proper maintenance and regular dental visits, your new dentures should last 5-7 years. In some cases, dentures can even last up to 10 years. Dr. Shapiro spends time counseling you about proper denture care, so you can get the most out of your new set of teeth.
If you need dentures, contact the office of Yelena Shapiro DDS for an evaluation today. You can book a denture appointment either online or over the phone.